The Cristalline is a multi-faceted lifestyle service to help you create balanced energy within all aspects of your life.    


Our full-service interior design team provides interior therapy for your home infusing our combined 32 years of design acumen and refined style. We explore how personal aspects of your life are reflected in the state of your living environment, and how in turn your physical environment is affecting the major tenants of your life- from your career, health, well-being and relationships.

Classical design is a mirror of the human mind. It's how we see the world.
-Robert McKee

Much like a therapist might analyze your life experiences affecting your present state and provide tools to handle the emotional aspects of your life, we take a similar approach in exploring areas of your home life as a mirror to your present state. We then create design solutions to remove the physical and energetic obstacles in your space that are preventing growth and a greater sense of fulfillment. We leave you with a harmonized home that creates improved balance and well-being.

The Home should be the treasure chest of living.
-Le Corbusier



For the individual, our resident crystal expert works one on one or in private groups to show you how to balance the energetic body through the use of crystals.  These are powerful aids in creating a balanced mind and body and their use in healing goes far back to ancient times.  Most simply they can aid in meditation, but their magic lies much deeper.  Whether the need is to calm and relax, to energize and ignite ideas or to heal old wounds, crystals can help to open up the pathways to lead you to greater achievements and an overall stronger sense of self.

If we look at the path, we do not see the sky.  We are earth people on a spiritual journey to the stars.  Our quest, our earth walk, is to look within, to know who we are, to see that we are connected to all things, that there is no separation only in the mind.  
-Native American, Unknown