Grounding: How to Keep Calm This Holiday Season

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The seasons are speeding past and if you feel anything like me, you are still trying to wrap your brain around how we are nearly halfway through the holiday season! This year has felt anything but normal, but for some reason, knowing the holidays are here and that in less than 20 days it will be a NEW YEAR, we wanted to take some time in December to get grounded before the reset. 

What is grounding EXACTLY?

Grounding or feeling grounded is by definition to feel “well balanced and sensible”. When I feel grounded I feel exactly that- balanced in my body and mind. My thoughts are clear and it feels like my feet are firm beneath me. When I feel ungrounded, I feel spacey, unfocused, or like my emotions are all over the place. Grounding is important because it helps us operate with a clearer mind and move with more purpose throughout our lives.

Does everyone need grounding? 

When I have private crystal healing sessions or workshops, one of the most common themes that I see in clients, is that the energetic and physical body is seeking grounding and stability. Grounding can mean slowing down and getting your mind clear, it can be stepping out into nature for a bit of fresh air, it can mean being mindful about you you choose to be around and how they affect your energy, or it can be simply mindfully taking a few deep breaths wherever you are. 

By nature, some people are more grounded than others, meaning they are very present in their bodies and they have an easy time doing longer, more concentrated projects. Others, like creative types, use their brains in more imaginative ways and might like to multi-task or combine many smaller projects to form something larger. If you are more analytical, you might naturally have more ground root chakra centered energy, while if you are innately more imaginative you might find you need to focus on achieving that feeling. 

How much grounding you need is totally dependent on how you feel. When I feel grounded I feel calm, centered, and at ease. I am able to concentrate and handle any unexpected things that might be thrown my way throughout the day. When I am easily irritated or unable to focus, it is a good sign that shift is what my body is craving.

What helps someone get more grounded? 

Scientifically, in order to be more “grounded” it is helpful to get your body into a parasympathetic state. The parasympathetic nervous system is one of three divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Sometimes called the rest and digest system, the parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. 

Living in the technological age, we live in constant stimulation, so we are most often in a sympathetic state. Meaning, our nervous system is the most active mode and directs the body's rapid involuntary response to dangerous or stressful situations. A flash flood of hormones boosts the body's alertness and heart rate, sending extra blood to the muscles. This is helpful when we are driving through traffic or moving about but not conducive for our focus or relaxation, by any means. 

The more in touch with my own emotions, mind, and system that I am, the more I notice immediately when I am feeling as though I am “floating” a little too much or when I’m about to get more upset over something than the situation at hand calls for. When this happens, I know it is time for some grounding. 

How Do You Ground Easily? 

First of all, focus on your breath. Be mindful to make your breathing pattern longer and deeper. I like to count to somewhere between 5-10 as I inhale, hold for a few counts, and then exhale. To do this, I inhale and count slowly, then pause and count to the same number as I was able to inhale for, then aim to release the exhalation so that it is longer than where you started. The holding of the breath inward helps slow down the heart rate and switch the body into more of a parasympathetic mode. 

There are also several crystals that help ground you because of their special mineral composition. I carry one of these crystals with me in my bag so I can pull it out when I am feeling off and hold it to help center myself while I breathe. 

Some of my favorite crystals for grounding are Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, and Hematite. 

Black Tourmaline blocks EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) and is very helpful in relaxation and aids longer and deeper sleep cycles. 

Smoky Quartz dispels negative energy and amplifies positive energy. This is one of my go-to stones to carry throughout the city or to a meeting. 

Hematite blocks energetic interference, so this is great when you are in a crowded space or when you are around a lot of chaos. This doubles as a wonderful stone to aid in manifestation because it attracts positive energy toward it. This stone also blocks EMFs but due to its magnetic nature make sure you don’t place it directly on your techie devices. 

These properties also make these stones great to have by your bed when sleeping. 

Get Grounded... 

As you can see, a little grounding can help you immensely. Grounding might have been a term that seems like just another woo-woo idea, but now you can see how it has real physical effects on the body. 

This year has been nothing but chaos, so if you find yourself having trouble finding peace of mind, maybe it is time to add a crystal or two to your space or to carry with you. We have several varieties of gems that will help you catch your breath again, check out a few that we find the most helpful here. 


This set is sure to help you keep your sanity!


Posted 10.10.20