Intuition & How Crystals Can Help Cultivate Yours Too


More and more in the wellness realm, we hear about Intuition. People talk about the special gifts of “Intuitives” or those who can read, see or hear things that others might not be able to. However, the fact of the matter is that each and every person can become more intuitive. Like lifting weights to strengthen your muscles or reading to increase the intellectual knowledge of your brain, you can increase the abilities of your intuition as well. 

The “Healers” and “Intuitive” that you hear about more and more in the wellness world had to practice their craft in order to achieve the messages and accuracy that they have today. Sure, some might have tapped into this 6th sense as a little kid, but in many cases, it was a skill that was shunned or forgotten about until they were comfortable enough to tap into it again. I mention that because, as children, we have a closer connection to our intuition naturally but then we are often taught to stop listening to that small voice within and start to listen to the voices of everyone else around us. Those few that maintain a close connection with their internal dialogue are those who might be viewed as “naturally gifted”. 

How to Develop Your Intuition

There are a variety of ways in which life gives people the opportunity to develop their inner voice and a strong relationship with it. Many times, it is through hardship or isolation because when we face struggles or challenges we must listen to ourselves more and let the opinions of others fall to the side. Other times, intuition can be developed through dedicated practice. 

One of the basis of this practice is being able to get really quiet and take the time to listen to that inner voice inside. Over ¾ of the population often don’t slow down from their hectic schedules in order to give themselves the opportunity. 

How Crystals Help Develop Your Intuition

For me personally and for a vast majority of my clients, crystals help quiet the mind so we can practice taking that time to be alone, still, and silent so we have the opportunity to hear that small but mighty voice within. I had the hardest time sitting still, much less quieting my mind before I started placing a crystal or two in my palms each time I sat down to meditate.

Posted 2.9.21